Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Nicotine Replacement Therapy Smoking Cessation

By Barry Lutz – starter kit

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine replacement therapy, or NRT, is a smoking cessation method. When asked while people will not quit smoking, the fear of related withdrawal symptoms was the number one reason for many people. If you quit smoking today, nicotine would still be in your body for as many as four more days.

Why is nicotine such a problem for quitting smoking and leading to withdrawal problems? Because nicotine, which is found naturally in tobacco, is very highly addicting. Quitting smoking is all the more difficult, because the smoker has developed a dependency to the nicotine. So even though you very much want to quit smoking, and want to quit today, the related withdrawal symptoms like headaches, dizziness, sleeping problems, anger, and even depression can make it impossible to do so.

Nicotine replacement therapy, or NRT, is a method of quitting smoking by using a product that will deliver nicotine into the bloodstream on a reduced and diminishing dosage than the smoker is getting from cigarettes. The nicotine in the NRT products also do not have the same toxins that are found in cigarette smoke.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy And The American Heart Association

The American Heart Association believes that nicotine transdermal patches and other nicotine substitution drug products, such as nicotine gum, can help smokers quit when used as part of a comprehensive smoking cessation program. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) has been shown to be safe and effective in helping people stop using cigarettes when used as part of a comprehensive smoking cessation program.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy Products

NRT products are available as gums and patches over the counter, and there are sprays and inhalers where you will need a prescription. What is important to continue to remember is that nicotine replacement therapy is still using nicotine, and thus it is very important that the smoker does not cheat and continue to smoke while using it. If this was the case, then the amount of nicotine is going to be increased to possible toxic levels, and increase the nicotine addiction problem.

The nicotine replacement therapy approach allows the smoker to quit with less nicotine withdrawal problems, while also allowing for the smoking habit and anchors to be discontinued. This is important to note, because smoking can be both a physical and a psychological addiction issue, and NRT is only going to aid by getting rid of the craving for nicotine – not the underlying reason for why the person is smoking.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy Success

The goal in using nicotine replacement therapy is to stop smoking completely. If you plan to take nicotine medications begin using them on the day you quit.

Quitting smoking is typically going to cause withdrawal symptoms, and the smoker knows that the way to get rid of these is by smoking a cigarette. Therefore, getting nicotine in another way like from the nicotine replacement products is a way to get rid of the problems from withdrawal while quitting smoking.

NRT and its more gradual approach than quitting immediately, allows the smoker to focus on addressing the psychological issues that are going to be necessary to keep them from starting to smoke again, instead of the physical pain and discomfort from the nicotine withdrawal. Adding counseling, or using a program like Quit Smoking Today, can increase the success of the nicotine replacement therapy.

Quit smoking today [] is something that all smokers want to do and have even tried to do, but for so many it just doesn’t seem possible. Quit smoking today and wonderful things are going to happen – come to Quit Smoking Today to learn how [].

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Nicotine Replacement Therapy Smoking Cessation

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