Monday, October 28, 2013

Marketing the cure: electronic cigarettes can defeat addiction

Vapriot juiceOctober 25, 2013 -

Glamorized cigarette usage within the entertainment industry seems to send young people the message that it’s okay to barbarically kill one’s self with nicotine, and to even be hooked on substances of higher toxicity. You can search statistics or use famous people as a gauge if you’d like, but the stories are all the same: cigarettes will eventually become an enigma which we, as molecular beings, cannot shake.

Thanks to electronic cigarettes, we can smoke like Navajo chiefs, yet without death being an imminent result. Breaking the addiction cycle isn’t easy: e-cigs definitely make the transformation back to good health much cheaper than other forms of therapy or hospitalization, however.

Addictions are Expensive…

The law of demand proves that price relationship is very real, and a prime example of this involves the tobacco industry. If you really like smoking Marlboro Lights, or perhaps Camel Non-Filters, and the price of then shoots downward, you can now either buy cartons instead of packs at one time, or you can buy single packs more frequently. Price adjustment controls habits, as do special purchases.

Electronic cigarettes remain steadily priced, easy to obtain and don’t come with warnings of death. You’re literally smoking vapors, people – how much easier to quit smoking can manufacturers make it?

Addictions are Gateways

Gambling, alcohol, adult movies, excessive gaming… bored and lonely people are addicted to something. We screen, and choose, our addictive experiences according to our beliefs, focusing on what our beliefs tell us is important and ignoring or glossing over the rest. We tend to filter the world for information that supports our belief system; conversely, addictions filter in that which contradicts what we really despise. Nicotine, filled with lots of yummy chemicals that would kill instantly if administered separately, is the gateway to wanting ‘more’.

Electronic cigarettes sustain that much needed mental signal which tells your brain you’re, in fact, receiving something pleasurable. These technological ingenuities don’t cause further addictions, either.

Addiction is Instant Hospitalization

Pain sufferers have their own theories when it comes to handling discomfort. Some might swear by a peculiar cocktail for curing hangovers, while others might profess their reliance on a remedy passed down from their relatives to get rid of back pain. Most believe cigarettes take localized pains away…

It is not surprising that the electronic cigarette has taken the world by storm as an alternative to tobacco cigarette – and as an object which predicates pain relief. These devices, also offered by Ego Cigs offer convenience, save money, and at the same time, when people buy electronic cigarettes, they offer a similar experience to traditional cigarettes, without the odor, inconvenience and health concerns of smoke.

In Closing: Choose Wisely

Cigarette addictions don’t come with reversal manuals. If you went to an addiction clinic, they would ask you to become abstinent immediately, meaning zero nicotine. With electronic cigarettes, you can become the quitter you wanted to be, yet more innocuously than other drug-induced methods. Expensiveness, ineffective pain management and no future gateways are perhaps the most common reasons electronic cigarettes have become the go-to target for smokers prepared to rob the Reaper of their addictive souls.

Marketing the cure: electronic cigarettes can defeat addiction


  1. It is amazing to know that electronic cigarettes are very effective for those who would like to quit smoking.

    Charlie Electra

    Buy Electronic Products

  2. Are you paying more than $5 per pack of cigs? I buy all my cigs over at Duty Free Depot and I save over 60% on cigs.

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