Thursday, January 30, 2014

Can e-Cigarettes Solve Your "I Really Want to Quit Smoking" Problem?

smoking e cigarettesOOSTRUM, The Netherlands/PRNewswire/ –

Have you made your new year resolution? Is it to quit smoking, yet again, only to become the usual resolution that you’ll never live up to? Or are you considering e-cigarettes, which are in reality, e-smoking devices? Interestingly, e-cigarettes, also known as a e-smoker, aren’t the solution to your “I will quit smoking” fantasy. Surprisingly though, they could well be your next best option, if kicking the butt is being hard for you.

“We have noticed an increasing demand for our e-smoking devices and e-liquids in the last few months. Consumers today are becoming more health-conscious, so e-smoking is the trend that’s catching on with the smoking population. We have a website that educates our readers on various products in this new, growing segment and also some health & awareness tips. We also have discount promotions running all year long, as traditional combustion cigarettes are being seen as an expensive option.”, says Mr. Willy Michiels, proprietor of an e-smoking devices company.

Every electronic cigarette distributor claims to be the best. However, we’ve come to see that consumers have good experiences with The reviews are right there for us to read. Also, Goedkooproken has a lot of variety to suit your style, your tastes and your budget. For different flavors in E liquid cartridges, their concoction is vegetable based.

E-cigarettes have been a hot topic of debate in the health ministries across the world. To be on the safer side, the health ministry’s usually advise young people and pregnant women to not use them. However, that’s also the case with traditional combustion cigarettes. The contention raised by the health ministries is that nicotine in e-cigarettes in addictive. “In reality, nicotine is only mildly more addictive than coffee. That’s perfectly harmless. It’s the composition of other chemicals along with nicotine in combustion cigarettes that causes the harmful side effects and lung diseases. That explains why all the big cigarette manufacturing companies are moving towards introducing products in the e-cigarettes category. It helps their business, but they also realize that it’s a safer option.”, adds Mr. Willy Michiels.

There is no evidence yet to prove that use of e-cigarettes can be harmful, despite numerous studies. It’s best practiced in limits however, as too much of anything is usually never good.

For more information on e-smoking and e-liquids, visit

Can e-Cigarettes Solve Your "I Really Want to Quit Smoking" Problem?

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